The HEIR Project

HEIR, the Historic Environment Image Resource, contains digitised historic photographic images and other resources such as images of drawings and maps from all over the world dating from the mid-19th century onwards. HEIR's core images were scanned from lantern slides, glass plate negatives or 35mm slides held in college, library, museum and departmental collections with the University of Oxford. New resources are being added regularly, including collections from outside the university. Images of life in the former British Empire are well-represented in the HEIR collection. The sites and art of the classical world form another major block with the HEIR digital image archive. Support in locating images appropriate to your research can be accessed by contacting or by making an appointment to visit the archive at the Institute of Archaeology at 01865 (2)78176 when the university reopens. 


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Facebook:  Archaeology Archives Oxford


Twitter:  @HeirOxford


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