In spite of decolonisation empire is still with us, in terms of both mindsets and structures. Its pervasiveness and significance have constantly to be rethought.
– Robert Gildea, Professor of Modern History at the University of Oxford, author of Empires of the Mind
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Shen Fuzong & Thomas Hyde
Shen Fuzong & Thomas Hyde
The Pitt Rivers Museum Catamaran
The Pitt Rivers Museum Catamaran
Arthur Evans: Making a Museum and a Civilization
Arthur Evans: Making a Museum and a Civilization
Sima Qian’s Imperial Dilemma
Sima Qian’s Imperial Dilemma
Colin Kaepernick on 1701 South Carolina Slave Act in Bodleian MS. Rawl. C 155
Colin Kaepernick on 1701 South Carolina Slave Act in Bodleian MS. Rawl. C 155
Some Thoughts about Women, Cameras and the British Empire
Some Thoughts about Women, Cameras and the British Empire
The United States in Africa: A Transimperial History
The United States in Africa: A Transimperial History
‘Only a thickness of wall’: Empire and Oxford in Thomas Hardy’s Jude the Obscure (1895)
‘Only a thickness of wall’: Empire and Oxford in Thomas Hardy’s Jude the Obscure (1895)
Rhodes Must Fall: The Uses of Historical Evidence in the Statue Debate in Oxford 2015-6
Rhodes Must Fall: The Uses of Historical Evidence in the Statue Debate in Oxford 2015-6
The Bodleian Shuinjō: Early English Trade with Japan, 1613-1623
The Bodleian Shuinjō: Early English Trade with Japan, 1613-1623
Makereti : Māori ‘Insider’ Anthropology at Oxford
Makereti : Māori ‘Insider’ Anthropology at Oxford
Geography and Empire: Sir Halford Mackinder in Oxford, 1880-1905
Geography and Empire: Sir Halford Mackinder in Oxford, 1880-1905
Simone Pelizza, 8 October 2019
The Indian Institute: Monier-Williams and Empire
The Indian Institute: Monier-Williams and Empire
Monuments and Memorialisation: Lessons from Russia and Central Asia
Monuments and Memorialisation: Lessons from Russia and Central Asia
Mahatma Gandhi in Oxford
Mahatma Gandhi in Oxford
The Rhodes Statue - and the Rhodes Building
The Rhodes Statue - and the Rhodes Building
Memorial to Sir William Jones, University College Chapel
Memorial to Sir William Jones, University College Chapel
The Indian Institute
The Indian Institute
We welcome research from Oxford students, researchers, and postholders on the relationship between Oxford and empire, or on the history of the British Empire more broadly. We will be able to help with revisions and images. We also have potential topics and resources for students interested in identifying research projects, for example for undergraduate theses or master’s dissertations.
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