Co-Director, HEIR (Historic Environment Image Resource)
Fell Fund Researcher in Visual and Material Culture Studies
Current Activities/Projects
- Monograph Series General Editor: Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past.
- Co-Director, HEIR (Historic Environment Image Resource): creating an interdisciplinary research database providing information on changing monuments, landscapes, and environments, based on Oxford University’s early lantern slide and glass plate collections. Funded by the Reva and David Logan Foundation, the Fell Fund, and Citizen Science Alliance (£250,000).
- Researcher: Scoping Survey of Visual and Material Cultures archives in the Humanities and Social Science Divisions. Funded by the Fell Fund.
- Series General Editor: Studies in Early Medicine.
- Co-Director, Jacobsthal Project: investigating the life and work of the German wartime refugee archaeologist Professor Paul Jacobsthal: Funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the Reva and David Logan Foundation (£50,000).
Persecution and Survival: A Wartime Refugee’s Story, The Gallery, Oxford Town Hall & Museum, 15 January to 10 March 2012
Associated Research Projects
HEIR – the Historic Environment Image Resource
Jacobsthal Archive Project: Persecution and Survival